Milk Based Ingredients
date:Dec 04, 2012
model:Milk Based Ingredients
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:10days
company:JLS Foods International
send:click send
name:Eric Reisenbigler(Mr.)
telephone:1-847- 517 7711
fax:+1 847 517 7733
adress:1701 East Woodfield Rd. Ste. 850 Schaumburg, IL, USA
post code:60173

Milk Based Ingredients

Dry milk ingredients contribute nutritionally, functionally and economically, to a variety of food formulations including bakery, beverages, confectionery, dairy, meat / seafood and prepared foods. In dry form milk-based ingredients can provide the desirable attributes of nutrition, water binding, fat holding, emulsification, viscosity, gelation, and foaming, as well as textural and flavor attributes.

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