Crispy Puffed Goji
date:Dec 26, 2012
model:Crispy Puffed Goji
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:15days
company:Ningxia Red Power Goji Co.,Ltd
send:click send
name:momo wangfan(Mr.)
mobile:0086 134 6969 1667
adress:4th Floor, Xinxiang Building, Xinchang West Road, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan, Ningxia, China
post code:750001

Crispy Puffed Goji: Using high temperatures and a sudden reduction of pressure, the goji berries are puffed. This process uses no chemical additives and produces a naturally crispy and especially tasty goji that is perfect for snacking.

Main Use: Snack food

Packaging: Packaged in small snack bags with 22 berries per bag, 1000 snack bags per standard carton.

Nutrients in Ningxia Goji
(100 grams of dried goji berries)

LBP Polysaccharides

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