Rainforest lime confit (250g)
date:Nov 19, 2012
model:Food Ingredients
standard:Sydney, Australia
brand:Payment before shipping
Delivery time:31days
company:Australian Functional Ingredients
send:click send
name:Vic Cherikoff(Mr.)
mobile:+61 418405183
adress:rear 167 Kingsgrive Rd, Kingsgrove NSW
post code:2208

We wild harvest plum sized, rainforest limes from private forests in sub-tropical Queensland and snap freeze them at their peak ripeness. The Rainforest limes get sliced and begin a three sugar curing process over 4-6 weeks until the natural organic acids in the juice are perfectly matched and balanced with sweetness. You have to taste the result - it's the best lime product you'll ever try!

We include the sugar syrup with the fruit as this is sweetened juice only, no water added. Add a splash
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