Doritos introduces new Locos Tacos Tortilla Chips varieties in US
date:Apr 10, 2013
Doritos, a brand owned by PepsiCo's Frito-Lay division, has introduced Doritos Locos Tacos (DLT) Tortilla Chips in two varieties: 'DLT Nacho Cheese and Crunchy Taco Flavored Chips', 'DLT Cool Ranch and Crunchy Taco Flavored Chips'.

The DLT Nacho Cheese and Crunchy Taco Flavored Chips includes two chip varieties in one bag - the crunch of Doritos Nacho Cheese flavored chips and a chip reminiscent of the Taco Bell Crunchy Taco. These flavors deliver a taste experience inspired by the Nacho Cheese
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